Are you longing for an inner shift?
here you can read (almost) everything about coaching with me
in Swedish and English, online from anywhere in the world or face-to-face in Stockholm
Is this you?
You feel as if somethings off in your life, you want change, but don’t really know how to get there
You have a nice life but don’t feel worthy of it, as if you could always do and be more (for other people)
You constantly feel challenged by life and need tools for well-being, also when life’s hard
Your life is so full that you don’t find the space for yourself or what’s important
You have a feeling you’re meant for something else, but don’t yet know what that something is
You are worthy of a great life. And it all starts within. You have everything you need inside, I can show you the path back to your own power. And when you change from within, everything changes.
“Helena is the perfect coach to help you with whatever issue you may face. She is a great listener and asks the right questions that makes you reflect and act in ways that can change your life. I can highly recommend Helena!”
- Cecilie
“Helena is an amazing coach who walks the talk. She’s engaged and empathetic towards your unique journey. She supports and encourages you on your path and helps you celebrate your progress”
- Malin
“To be coached by Helena is one of the greatest decisions I’ve made for myself. She’s given me practical tools to implement what I “knew in theory” to enable me to live a life with more balance and harmony. She is truly inspiring and humble.”
- Annika
“Helena is very inspiring and helps you come to realizations that you might not on your own. She focuses on what’s working and how I can grow from there. I’ve felt so empowered after each session. I will definitely recommend Helena to all of my friends.”
- Camilla
This is my method (could be ours)
I believe in your pure personal power, and that when you stand in it, in full responsibility for your life, you can create the life you truly want, not matter the circumstances. We start within.
I believe we all have an inner guidance system, I call it intuition, and that when we follow our own path, listening inwards, we live our own best lives. We work intuitively.
I don’t believe in all of my thoughts, and not yours either. I believe feelings are important guide posts, but we don’t need to defined by them, we just need to feel and release them. We are openly curious about the thoughts and focus on feeling the feelings.
I know you’re here for a reason. You’ve chosen this life and so have I. Let’s make the best of it! We focus on what’s working.
I’m a ICF certified coach, specialized in ACT, transformational coaching, positive phychology, a licensed Inner Voice Facilitator, non-duality facilitator, Human Deign reader with 15 years of experience in the HR field. We tailor the program to you.
I only work with people who are committed to listening inwards, dealing with their shadows and being accountable for their own lives and choices. We co-create the shift.
The tailored progrAM:
‘The shift’ is a coaching program that we co-create with the basis in your needs and requests. These are some of the themes we might choose to focus on:
Creating more meaning and purpose in your day-to-day life
Develop practices, finding tools and resources that can support you on your own journey towards more well-being
Explore your spirituality and finding ways of listening to, and following, your own intuition
Develop practices for listening to your own body and its wisdom
Finding more gratitude and appreciation for everything in your life and all the lessons along the way
Tools and practices for dealing with difficult emotions and triggering thoughts
Better stress management and more joy in your everyday
Understanding your Human Design and how you can live your life with more flow and less resistance
Deepening your understanding of your true self, non-duality, and how this realization can help you allow for life to unfold with more trust
Me as an experienced coach, providing structure, support and accountability along the way
55-75-minute coalching sessions every other week on Zoom or face-to-face in Stockholm (8 in total)
Tool, practices and resources tailored to your needs
Coaching emails with reminders, reflections and relevant resources after each session
Access to support from me via email or WhatsApp during the whole program
The cost of the program is SEK 22 000,- as a one-time-payment or SEK 5 800,- per month for 4 months. If you have your own company the price is excl. taxes. If your employer will pay contact me for more info on pricing.
“Jag är oerhört tacksam för den berikande coachningen jag har fått av Helena. Att arbeta med henne har varit en resa av självutforskning och personlig tillväxt som jag kommer att bära med mig länge.
Helena är mer än en coach; hon är en varm och närvarande intuitiv guide som skapar en trygg och tillitsfull atmosfär.
Helenas förmåga att skapa ett utrymme där äkthet uppmuntras har varit ovärderligt för mig. Jag har ofta känt trycket att prestera och leverera, men under våra samtal har Helena skapat en miljö där mina genuina svar är välkomna och respekterade. Det har varit en befrielse att kunna vara mig själv utan att känna mig bedömd.
Det som imponerar mig mest är Helenas mänsklighet och äkthet i våra möten. Hon agerar som en kanal för processen snarare än att ta med sitt eget ego. Det gör att jag känner mig sedd och hörd på ett sätt som är unikt. Helena har varit som ett värdefullt redskap i min utvecklingsresa.
Jag vill även lyfta fram Helenas kompetens som coach. Hennes förmåga att ställa kraftfulla frågor, vara närvarande och utmana när det behövs, kombinerat med hennes intuitiva insikter, har varit en kraftfull kombination. Det har öppnat nya perspektiv och möjligheter för mig, och jag är tacksam för den vägledning hon har gett.
Helena har verkligen levererat över förväntan. Hon har hjälpt mig öppna upp nya flodfåror i min livsflod som jag ser fram emot att få surfa på, jag hoppas och tror att jag kommer få fler möjligheter att samarbeta med henne framöver! ”
Q: How do I know if you’re the coach for me?
We always have a discovery call before committing to any coaching program. This 30-minute call is free of charge and aimed at answering any questions the mind might have but also feeling into whether it would feel good to work together. If I’m not the right match for you I’m happy to refer you to other beautiful coaches in my network.
Q: What can I expect from you as the coach?
If we decide to work together, I’m fully committed to supporting and encouraging you along the way to the shift that you need to make, whatever that may be. I’m on your side, without judgement, and I want to see you grow and win. I will challenge you when required and hold a loving space for you when you need it - all in order to support your growth. My intuition guides my coaching as I hope your intuition will be allowed to guide you on your path. All that is shared in our work together is of course confidential from my side (I follow the ICF code of ethics).
Q: What does intuitive coaching mean?
I believe we all have an inner guidance system, that we can access by listening deep within. As I’m also an Inner Voice Facilitator, I listen to my own intuition as I support you through your process. If we both feel called to it, we might mix coaching with intuition work to help you connect deeper and get the guidance that you need.
Q: Does coaching really work and what are the benefits?
Coaching can be powerful, healing and transformative. I use coaches regularly in my own life when I need it. However, you will need to be open to change and put in the work in order to see results - no one can do the work for you. Coaching is a commitment to yourself in order to create the life that YOU want to live. I’ve seen amazing transformations in my coaching clients over the last 7 years. But I’m only the facilitator, you're the one creating the shift that YOU long for, by the things you do, the thoughts you think and the emotions you are open to feeling and releasing.
Q: What’s the difference between a coach and a therapist?
A therapist focuses more on the past and to solve underlying issues for a client, while a coach is more focused on the here and now and what the client wants to create moving forward. As a coach, I’m not equipped to diagnose or treat any mental illness. If this is the case with you, I will advise you to seek the right medical help. I focus on what’s healthy and working but also feeling and releasing whatever stands in the way for you to be more of you.