What if our internal evolution is the revolution?

I heard this quote somewhere but don’t remember where but it resonated. I truly believe that it is in the inner work we do, our own inner shifts, that’s where real transformation happens. We all need to take our individual responsibility to take care, evolve, grow more conscious and loving and then, go into action in the world.

If we’re acting from out of alignment, from fear, from hate, we’re only going to create more of what we don’t want. This is not to say it’s not okay to use anger as fuel, that might be a great catalyst for you. But the anger needs to be fueled by something that we love, not something that we fear.

First we go inward, listen to our own intuition, bring ourselves into the energy of love, then we act. When the act is from loved it’s inspired action (in spirit) and so supported by the universe. And then, when we’ve acted, we trust and allow. We don’t control all the outcomes. we don’t control other people, we don’t control the timing of our own lives.

You might have heard the quote: The universe only ever has three answers for you: Yes!, Not yet, or I have something better in store for you. And we choose the perspective of things happening for us and not to us. There’s a plan, there’s a meaning.

  1. Align

  2. Act

  3. Allow

And when we’re not aligned we keep allowing whatever else needs to show up to show up. That’s responsibility. We take time to heal. We feel our feelings. We ask for help.

Being aligned before we act doesn’t mean we do nothing when not aligned. It means we slow down, listen inwards and wait for guidance. And when we don’t feel the guidance we take tiny steps in either direction and listen in again. Sometimes we need to get into movement, but we never need to run.

So many of us are running around trying to save the world with our own hands and feet alone, but it doesn’t work that way. We need the support of the universe to have real impact. And we need to help each other in this. Focus on your inner evolution and you’ll be part of the revolution of love and consciousness.

With all my love,


ps. this is my playground now, so I might be rambling. I’m allowing myself to, Because I’m practicing what I preach, by taking small steps in either direction as I’m out of alignment, trusting that I’ll be guided to the next step in time.