I'm definitely feeling the heaviness today

I want to make sure that what I share with you is of value in some way. Therefore I sometimes restrain from sharing on my low days, because I don’t want to bother anyone with my low vibe. But doing this daily means I can’t hide. And I do believe that sharing what’s difficult can also be of value if it’s shared with vulnerability.

It’s getting darker, both in the sky and if I look in certain directions of the world around me. I know this is not all there is and there’s so many great things happening too, but it’s also okay to stay with the dark for a bit.

I participated in a beautiful meeting this morning about being. As opposed to doing. And in that space, with my fellow humans, with very different stories than mine, I felt so close. So connected. So hopeful. So loved and loving. And yet, now I feel empty.

I know what being is. And I keep doing. It’s like I’m running from myself. And that’s okay. I know the best way to ever change anything in my internal state is to allow what is to be. As long as I resist what is it has a strong grip on me.

So here I am, allowing myself to be in a rut. That’s okay. It will change. It always does. And in case you need it: You are okay too.


With all my love,
