What life are you being called to live right now?

Hi love!

I don’t think I’ve written a post solely for this blog in months, might actually be years. But today I felt called (=my intuition asked me to be here). And so here we go. Might do this more often, might not. We’ll see where my intuition takes me ;)

Depending on where you are right now your life might be more or less effected by things going on in the world around you. Of course, we’re all effected and have an effect on the world around us at all times, but let’s put it like this; sometimes it’s more invasive on our daily routines than other times.

But either way, we always have a lot of power over our own situation. One way of realizing your own power is by focusing on what you can influence. Some things are simply out of our hands and when we put all our focus on those things we give our power away. But when we focus on the things we can influence or even control, like our thought, feelings, actions and reactions, we stand in our power.

What life are you being called to live right now? What are the things you can do only now, because your life is the way that it is? Where is your zone of influence and what do you want to create with that influence? Where do you need to stop resisting things you can’t change?


I had an outdoor photo shoot today. Rain and stormy winds. I know it’s a silly example, but we worked with it. No need blaming or resisting the weather, that’s out of our control, focus on warm clothes, finding some shelter for the wind and have a good time.

I know life right now might not be as you had planned it. But if you let go of the plan you might have had. What joys are presented to you in this moment? Or what uncomfortable feelings are coming up to be felt and then released?

You are so much more powerful than you think!

With all my love,
